22 квіт. 2016 р.

Heart Rate During Workout

One of the main (quite doubtful though) advantages of gym trainings is considered to be a persistence of trainer. He, they say, will pick you a program and control everything. But you can easily make up your program by yourself, and self-control is way better than imposed from outside. This could be argued: some people, saving themselves, will undertrain, when others (especially newbies in enthusiasm impulse) may overtrain, that is why it cannot be without trainer. It is true, but you should not put all the responsibility of your heath and development on a stranger. There is an objective indicator of how physical exercises influence the organism – it is pulse. We all know, that heartbeat under load (and therefore, pulse) quickens, so why don’t you use this universal self-control indicator (also in gym and home workouts). But first, let’s remember how to measure that pulse correctly.
A classic way considers measuring pulse of blood vessel walls of radial artery of pre-shoulder (photo 1). To do this, put right hands wrist with palm opened on left hands palm, so that lower hands straight thumb was on one line with upper ones pinky. In this case bent middle and ring fingers of lower hand will be exactly on radial artery (photo 2): you should feel light beating – this is pulse. When you learn to find the required point in this way, you can do it easier and faster with time, just by pressing the radial artery with other hands fingers from above (photo 3).
Heart rate measuring point on preshoulderHeart rate measuring (classic way)Heart rate measuring (accelerated way)
Heart rate measuring point on carotid arteryIf for some reasons you cannot measure the pulse on pre-shoulder in the way, written above, try to find it out on the carotid (as it is done in most of movies and series). To do this, press your neck with straight index and middle fingers, when you’ve got sore throat during angina (photo 4): between the side neck muscles and breathing tube (trachea).
You can also feel the pulsation by pressing your fingers to the temporal bone or try to catch the heartbeat by just putting your palm on the left chest, a little bit lower than nipple.
When you have found the pulsation place with the way, comfortable for you, move on to heart rate measuring. Initially, it is recommended to make a full measuring (count all the beats during one minute), with time, you will only need 30 seconds (but don’t forget to multiply it by 2) and even 15 seconds (multiply by 4). When measuring pulse, do not concentrate on beats number, measure without excessive tension: though it is difficult, some people can slow down or speed up their heartbeat a little, that influences the results (especially if you measure only 15 seconds).
And finally, the main question: what the pulse during workout should be? The answer is in table. Knowing you age and having picked the required training effect level, you will see the edge heart rate on cross.

Training effect

Workout powerAge, y/oOvertension dnger

More than 200

More than 188More than 178More than 170
More than 163







Caution for unprepared


Less than 100

Less than 100Less than 100Less than 100
Less than 98


Notice: this numbers range should be considered in reverse order. For example, during submaximal work of 30-39 years old age, for 30 years old mans pulse may rise to 175, when 39 years old man should stop on 153, and so on. I gave the example of submaximal level not for nothing – exactly it is considered to be optimal from training effect point of view and from positions of undertraining and overtraining.
I hope, there is no need to explain, that this is a peak load, and you should reach it gradually. First measure your heart rate before the workout, do the warm-up and move to the main exercises of the program, periodically controlling the pulse (it is best to do between sets). If you have reached the edge rate – slow down a little, but don’t give yourself any indulgences, by lowering under the power levels. When finished the workout and made some stretch, measure the heart rate again – with increase the training level it should go back to the starting values (not longer than 10 minutes is perfect).
Also the “morning pulse”, measured after you wake up, in bed, might become your workout efficiency indicator. By fixing the values you got, you will notice, that with time your pulse is slowing down (aim on 60 beats per minute). If in the morning after the training your pulse is has increased – be careful, you are on overtraining’s edge. Analyse if there other symptoms of it and take the required steps: add one more rest day before the next training or do it in gentler mode.
That’s all. I hope, the information you get, will help you to increase your workouts efficiency, giving an objective indicator of their effectiveness. Oh yes, don’t forget to control you heart rate during the next workout.

Good book to read:

The Gold's Gym Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding / Edward Connors, Michael J. B. McCormick, Peter Grymkowski, Tim Kimber. – McGraw-Hill, 1998. – 407 р.

Пульс во время тренировки

Одним из главных (хотя и весьма сомнительных) преимуществ тренировок в тренажерном зале считают наличие персонального тренера. Он, дескать, и упражнения подберет, и программу тренировок составит, и контролировать все будет. Но ведь программу можно без труда составить и самому, да и самоконтроль намного лучше навязанного извне. Тут могут возразить: да ведь одни люди, жалея себя, будут недотренировываться, а другие (особенно новички) в порыве чрезмерного энтузиазма могут и перетренироваться, потому без тренера никак. Оно то так, но не стоит перекладывать всю ответственность за свое здоровье и развитие на постороннего человека. Ведь существует объективный показатель влияния физических упражнений на организм – пульс. Все мы знаем, что под воздействием нагрузок сердцебиение (и, соответственно, пульс) учащается, так почему бы не воспользоваться этим универсальным показателем для самоконтроля (как в тренажерном зале, так и во время домашних тренировок). Но сначала давайте вспомним, как правильно измерить этот самый пульс.

13 квіт. 2016 р.

Side Plank

If holding the classic plank for at least 3 minutes is not a problem for you (make sure, you’re doing it with correct technique) – you can differ your training program and work better on oblique abdominals, by doing the side plank. In this exercise part of the load is taken off the spine, so even those, who has been recovering from injuries and feel discomfort in lower back when doing the classic plank, can do it.
What muscles work: oblique abdominals, buttock muscles, erector spine muscles.
Performing the exercise: stand in the emphasis lying on the side, leaning on one hand’s pre-shoulder and opposite leg’s foot (for right hand – on left and the other way round). At the starting position shoulder joint should be right above the elbow, pre-shoulder of the base hand – perpendicular to body. Using your muscles hold the whole body straight (photo 1). Having fixed the position, hold it for required time, after that go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise switching hand and leg.
Side plank
Notice: do not lean on foot, that is at the bottom – contact area will be less, which leads to sliding, just put it on base leg’s foot. Watch the body position, don’t let lower back bend or lean front or back. Avoid bending your knees, keep them straight using buttock and hip muscles. Spread shoulders, stretch hands by the body, put on belt, raise up or behind your head (two last variations make the exercise a little bit harder, so raise the load gradually). Don’t bend your neck, you should look forward (on base hand’s pre-shoulder). If you are exercising on hard floor – put something soft under your base hand (for example, several times bent towel). Gradually raise time of holding the side plank to 3 minutes.
If it’s difficult for you to perform the side plank in classic look, try to lower the load by changing body tilt angle – at the starting position lean not on pre-shoulder, but on straighten hand (photo 2). While doing this, the main rules stay the same: all the three joints (wrist, elbow and shoulder) are situated one above another, base hand should be perpendicular to the floor, whole body is held maximum straight, without bends, hangouts or front-back leans. You can regulate the load by inactive hand and leg position: firs, situate them parallel to the floor, but gradually raise them higher (you can put the hand behind your head).
Side plank leaning on palm
The other variation of lightened side plank is the emphasis lying on one pre-shoulder and one calf (photo 3). Lower load is reached by reduced participating body length. For the starting position bend the base leg in knee and put it so that knee joint was an the base hand elbow joint’s level. Using your muscles straighten the body and hold for the required time. Hold to the main side plank rules, written above. You can hold an inactive leg bent in knee or straighten (that is a little harder, but gives the additional load on inactive hip muscles).
Side plank leaning on calf
If you have mastered variations, suggested here and can hold the classic side plank at least 3 minutes, you can try complicader variation, providing more horizontal body position. To perform this exercise you will need a 20-30 cm pillar. Stand in the emphasis lying, as for side plank, but put the opposite leg’s foot on the pillar. Straighten body using muscles and hold for required time (photo 4). The core should be straight, do not let your lower back bend inside or outside, as well as tilting forward or backward. Watch your breath, don’t hold it, try to breathe rhythmically. Since the elbow joint gets increased pressure – put something soft under it (for example, bent towel).
Side plank with legs raised
When you master this kind of plank (can hold the position at least 3 minutes), try to complicate the performance a little more, by putting legs on an unstable pillar – for example, ball. You can also change the load with inactive leg’s position, rising it up or even aside (which requires additional force to hold the balance). It will be difficult, but this is pro level. I’m sure you can do it!

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Three-point Plank

In this variation of plank the load is regulated by reducing the number of standing points (at the beginning – three, on advanced levels – two). To avoid the imbalance in different muscle groups, you should alternate standing points when performing one exercise, as well as doing several sets of plank, using different standing points.
Performing the exercise: stand in the emphasis lying, as for classic plank (on pre-shoulders and feet finger pads). Having fixed this position, get one hand off the floor and straighten before you or aside. Hold the position for required time, then go back to the starting position and switch hand.
In case if you get off one leg, you can lift it above the floor (photo) or put on base leg (this is a bit easier). Having held the pose for required time, switch legs and continue the exercise till the end.
Plank (complicated variation, with leg raised)
Notice: since you take off one standing point, the probability of the core curvature might appear, not only in horizontal, but in vertical plane too – this should be avoided. Remember: plank becomes high effective exercise only when your body straight. Avoid swinging or bending your back in the moment when you switch standing points, always fix the classic position for few seconds (to control the correctness of performing the exercise) between the standing point switches. Gradually rise the fixation time on each of 3 standing points to 1 minute (duration of entire exercise in this case will be about 4,5 minutes). To complicate the exercise you can try to put an inactive hand behind your back and rise an inactive leg higher (but don’t bend it in knee).
When you reach required level in this kind of plank, consider yourself as a high class professional. Still, it is not he edge – you can remove another standing point. In this case we will perform two-point plank.
Performing the exercise: stand in the emphasis lying on pre-shoulders and feet finger pads, as for classic plank. Using core and leg muscles hold your body straight, get one hand and leg, diagonal to it, off the floor (for example, right hand and left leg or left hand and right leg) (photo). Hold for required time, go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise with standing point switched.
Notice: while performing this kind of plank you should especially watch the pelvis position – it should not bend down or stick up, your back should not move aside. Do not try to perform the two-point plank if you did not master enough all the previous kinds of exercises – the effect will be much worse than expected because of bad technique. Keep your muscles always tensed – this will help you to avoid swinging in switching moment. Do not let your base leg knee bend. Gradually rise the performance time of each position to 2 minutes (summary time to perform this kind of plank – 4 minutes). If you are exercising on hard floor – put a bent towel under your elbows or use gymnastic carpet.
I’m sure that you have managed to pass all the described levels of performing this easy, but unbelievably effective exercise and rose the time of two-point plank to 5 minutes. That is why I prepared a little surprise for you: it turns out that it is not the most difficult variation of plank. In his book “Training Zone 1. Secret System of Physical Training” Paul Wade writes, that the real plank is done on two standing points, but those points are hands. How? Look at the photo. If you would like to master this kind of plank – wait for the article, yet – continue to train in usual mode. Because to perform the plank on two hands you will need not only strong muscles of whole body, but also the perfect sense of balance. Have a good training!

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

The Plank with Leg Pillar

If holding the classic plank with perfect technique for 3 minutes is not difficult for you, you can choose from two options of how to raise load:

  • increase the time of exercise (for now, the record of holding the plank is more than an hour), but for the majority this option may be inappropriate because of full employment;

  • try other variations, in which the load increases by more horizontal body position or decreasing the number of standing points,

If you’ve chosen first – there’s only one requirement: watch the technique, bent knees or back immediately lower the efficiency of the exercise. If you decided to test yourself in power variations of plank – read on.

Leg Pillar Plank

Since the main task of all the muscles involved in plank – to hold the body straight, the more horizontal the body (I mean you), the more the muscle load. Some nations have got other variations of plank, on toes and forehead, but we won’t be so extreme (for now) and will use another way to make the body horizontal – a little lift up the legs. As it got from the introduction, the pillar’s height should be enough for your body to be horizontal from heels to back of your head at the starting position (about 20 cm)
What muscles work: rectus and oblique abdominals, big buttock muscle, quadriceps.
Performing the exercise: in the emphasis lying, leaning on pre-shoulders, put your legs on prepared pillar (the distance to the pillar should be so that your arms from elbow to the shoulder were perpendicular to the floor). Using abdominals and legs straighten your body and fix it in horizontal position (photo).
Leg Pillar Plank
Notice: since this is one of the most difficult variations of plank, you should be prepared enough to perform it (the time of performing the classic plank – at least 5 minutes), or the excessive muscle tension will lead to worsened technique. If the pillar is not quite stable – lean it on the wall or some other static object. As in other variations of plank, do not let your back or pelvis bend. Watch your knees not to bend, by using buttock and hip muscles keep them straight. Try not to hold breath, breathe calmly. Don’t tense the neck muscles (look down) at the same time avoid the seduction to put your head on arms. Raise the performance to 3 minutes.
To complicate this kind of exercise you can try to put your legs on an unstable pillar – for example, ball or equalizer.
If you can perform this kind of plank with proper technique for required time – you can raise the time of the exercise or move on to the next level, performing the three-point or two-point plank.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

The Plank for Beginners

If the classic plank (on pre-shoulders and feet finger pads) is difficult for you, I propose you to train easier variations (though they can not be called easy either): leaning on pre-shoulders and knees, and also in classic emphasis lying, leaning on palms and feet finger pads.
If the easiness of the firs variation is obvious (reduced the body length, that is involved in the exercise), the second variation could rather seem more difficult. But that is not true, the difficulty of performing the plank raises as your body closes to horizontal position, so one of the complicated variations of plank is the plank with legs raised (when the body is almost horizontal). But later with that, first let’s master easier variations of plank.

Knee Plank

What muscles work: rectus and oblique abdominals, big buttock muscle, quadriceps.
Performing the exercise: stand in the emphasis lying, leaning on pre-shoulders and knees (photo 1). Coordinate your body, so that knees and shoulders were on one line. Hold your body straight by using core and leg muscles.
Knee Plank
Notice: in this position your pelvis bends more often than sticks up, but you should avoid both. Look down, to avoid excessive tension of neck muscles. Do not forget  to breathe rhythmically, don’t hold your breathe. Keep your legs together. If you are exercising on hard floor – put small towels under your knees and elbows or use a gymnastic carpet. Gradually make the performance of the exercise to 2 minutes, after that you can move up to the next exercise.

Plank on Palms and Feet Finger Pads

Performing the exercise: stand in the starting position, like for classic push-ups, leaning on palms and feet finger pads (photo 2). All three joints (wrist, elbow and shoulder) should be on one line, hands perpendicular to the floor. Use your buttock and hip muscles, as well as abdominals to hold the whole body straight. Stay in this position for at least 2 minutes.
Plank on Palms
Notice: as you get tired, you can inadvertently start to bend in pelvis, that’s why at first you may need control: ask your relatives to watch you, put a mirror beside you or record your performance on video. If because of lasting standing your wrists start to hurt – try standing on knuckles (previously put something soft, but not slippery), to avoid excessive stretch of wrist’s tendons. Watch your breathe, don’t hold it, though it might become superficial.
If you managed to do several reps of each exercise, described here, at least for 2 minutes – move on to the classic plank.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

The Plank

It seems, that there is nothing easier: just stand in the emphasis lying, leaning on pre-shoulders and feet finger-pads – and that’s all. Ask your acquaintances, how long can they stand in this position – most of them will answer “even for an hour”. Actually the exercise is not so easy, as it seems. Try it – you will be surprised of how long a minute can be. In 20 seconds, if you do it right, whole body begins to tremble because of tension, to the end of the first minute you will hate the slowness of the second hand, which you used to find runaway fast. You definitely would not hold for more than minute for the first time, but don’t be upset – there are not so many people, even well-trained, in the world, to whom it comes easy. Thanks to its universality and efficiency, this exercise (in different variations) is included to training complexes of different nations. It is called differently, but nowadays the most popular is the variation with French roots – “plank”.
What muscles work: rectus and oblique abdominals, big buttock muscle, quadriceps.
Performing the exercise: stand in the emphasis lying on your pre-shoulders and feet finger pads. Keep your legs together, arms on shoulder-width. Move your body, so that shoulder joints are right above elbow ones. By using core and leg muscles hold entire body in one plane (photo 1). Hold this position for required time.
Plank Notice: the whole body should be straight – this is the main requirement of high performance of the exercise. Use your leg muscles and don’t let your knees bend even a little. The main attention – to the pelvis, by using your hip, buttock and core muscles, do not let it either bend down, or stich up. Don’t hold your breath – breathe calmly and rhythmically, orienting on 4-1-4-1 count (4 seconds inhale, one second pause, 4 exhale and pause again).
You should try to raise your performance time to 3 minutes. If it doesn’t work yet – start from the period, which you can do with correct technique and raise the time gradually or try easier variations of plank (knee plank or plank on palms), descripted in “Plank for Beginners”.
If the standard variation is not a problem for you anymore – it is about time to try yourself in complicated kinds of this exercise: using a pillar for legs, or three-point (even two-point) plank.
For a change you may try to sometimes “dynamize” the classic kind of plank: every 30 seconds make several front-to-back swinging moves with your core, by bending your arms in soulders and elbows, and also rolling on toes (photo 2).
Plank dynamization
Also notice the side plank – performing this exercise takes some load off your back, but the oblique abdominals are worked better.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Other articles about plank:

Plank for beginners: about easy variations of plank, done from knees or standing on palms of straight hands.
Plank with legs raised: using a pillar for legs gives your body more horizontal position and increases the load on main muscles.
Three-point plank: to perform the exercise use only one hand or/and one leg.
Side plank: lower the load on lower back and work better on abdominals.

Bulgarian Lunges

If performing the classic lunges is not difficult for you any more, you can try to increase the intensity and load on muscles by using additional pillars of 30-40cm height. This will allow you to go down lower, which will help to stretch your hip and buttock muscles better, and work on them with bigger amplitude.
What muscles work: quadriceps, buttock muscles, rear hip muscles.
Performing the exercise: stand backwards to the pillar on 50-70cm distance. Put the rear side of one leg on the pillar, move the bodyweight on the front leg (photo 1). You can put your hands on waist or on base leg’s hip. Hold the body straight, start to go down by bending the base leg in knee and hip. At the moment when you touch the floor with your rear leg’s hip (photo 2), make one second pause and go back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Bulgarian lunges (starting position)Bulgarian lunges (final position)
Notice: use a stable stand or put it tightly to the wall to prevent slipper. Choose the distance to the pillar, so that in lower position your base leg’s knee was not out your toes level. It is not necessary to put the whole foot on the pillar, to hold on a little with fingers will be enough. The main part of bodyweight should be on base leg’s heel. If you hold your hands on the base leg’s hip, avoid the seduction to help yourself with hands at the lower point – this exercise is for leg muscles. Try not to lean forward, this will increase the load on the weaker knee joint and may lead to painful experience. Always start the exercise from the weaker leg, because even inactive leg gets the load, its muscles stretch, which weakens them. If you exercise barefoot – use a pillar with soft cover. It is preferably to put something soft under your rear leg’s knee (like bent towel), to prevent hitting the floor.
With time you will do easily even this quite difficult variation of lunges. If you are aiming to constant physical improvement and can easily do 20 bulgarian lunges with perfect technique – try to increase the load by putting both legs on pillar (photo 3). For the front leg use 20-30cm pillar, for the rear – under 50cm one. In this case you can go down way lower (photo 4), but increase the depth gradually, or you can’t prevent the hyperextension of muscles, which leads to painful experience (especially on the next morning). Main requirements to the exercise stay the same: back straight, main weight on front leg, going up and down slowly (about 2 seconds), at the lower point hold on for one second. Breathe on movement rhythm: go down – inhale, go up – exhale.
Bulgarian lunges on two pillars (starting position)Bulgarian lunges on two pillars (final position)
When mastered the technique of all the lunges, proposed here, include another leg exercises to your program – for example different kinds of squats.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Back Lunges

When mastered front lunges, you can move on to more difficult back lunges. Since in this exercise you make an unusual for normal life big step back, for the first time it will be difficult to keep balance. In this case you can increase the size of step gradually, but remember: the wider the step – the more effective exercise.
What muscles work: quadriceps, buttock muscles, rear hip muscles.
Performing the exercise: take the starting position, as in classic lunges, but lean your body a little forward at start, and make a big step back (photo 1). Continue the movement, bending the front leg in knee until the back leg’s knee touches the floor (photo 2). After one second pause go back to the starting position.
Lunges (starting position) Lunges (final position)
Notice: rise from the lower position using only the muscles of your front leg, but if it’s difficult for you – help yourself by pushing with the rear leg a little. Do the exercise with 2-1-2-1 tempo (two seconds to go down, one second at the bottom, two seconds to rise and one second to prepare to the next rep). You can breathe arbitrary, but agreeing movement and breathe would be better (go down – inhale, go up – exhale).
When you fully master front and back lunges, try to combine them: when you have made the front lunge don’t go to the starting position, straighten, put your rear leg to the front one. Then do the back lunge and go back to the starting position, put your front leg to the rear. This will not only differ your trainings and give the additional load on muscles, but need more coordinated moves, training also your sense of balance.
Also you can increase load on muscles by putting your front leg on a small 15-20cm high pillar. Because of bigger amplitude (photo) you can not only regulate the load, but get better hip muscle stretch, which allows to perform leg exercises (like full squats) more effective.
When you reach high results in previous exercises (at least 20 lunges on each leg), you can try power kind of lunges with high pillar (50-60cm). Put one leg on full foot on the pillar, with the other one make a step back, like for lunges. For the best cross your arms by your back (photo 3). Without bending the rear leg, start going down by bending knee and hip of a base leg. At the final point the hip of a front leg should touch the calf with its rear part and the chest with front. If it is difficult for you to do the exercise with your rear leg straight – you can bend it in the knee a little (photo 4).
Power lunge (starting position) Power lunge (final position)
Though the exercise may seem quite easy – for the first time don’t do too much reps (20 on each leg will be enough), or you’ll not be able to tie your shoes next day. Have a good training!

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.
Paul Wade. Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Joints - Dragon Door Publications, 2012 – 340 p.


If for some reasons you don’t want (or can’t) do the classic squats, lunges will be great alternative. Though this exercise is preferred by women (it gives an ability to work better on buttock muscles), some complicated kinds of lunges can help even experienced athlete to work on hips and increase the stretch. Also lunges can be used to warm up before the squats, preparing knee joints to increased loads. Besides, don’t forget that in daily life we load our leg muscles alternately more often – lunges give exactly that natural load.

Front Lunges

What muscles work: quadriceps, buttock muscles, rear hip muscles.
Performing the exercise: stand straight, put your feet a little more narrow than your shoulder-width, hands on hips. Move your bodyweight to one leg, make a big step with the other one. In this position the knee of your front leg should be approximately on your toes level (calf almost perpendicular to the floor), your rear leg will be almost straight because of standing on your feet’s finger pads (photo 1). Without stopping try to go down by your knees, until your rear leg’s knee touches the floor (photo 2). By using your muscles and front leg push, go back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Lunges (starting position)Lunges (final position)
Notice: your back should be straight during the whole exercise. The movement should be continuous, but with slowing down (almost stop) in the lower position, and acceleration to go back. Do not let your body swing, go down strict vertically, most of the bodyweight on your front leg. When exercising on hard floor, put a towel under your rear leg’s knee to prevent injuries.
If it is difficult for you to do the full lunges – try to only do the middle part of the exercise, bending your knees without going to starting position or additionally strengthen your leg muscles by doing step ups (raises) on a pillar.
If you can do more than 20 front lunges with perfect technique – move on to the next level, doing back lunges, plate lunges and bulgarian lunges. Also you can increase the load on muscles by putting the front leg on a small, 15-20cm high, pillar (photo 3). By bigger movement amplitude, you can not only regulate the load, but achieve better hips stretch (photo 4), which allows to perform other legs exercises more effectively (for example, full squats).
Pillar bridge (starting position)Pillar bridge (final position)

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.
Paul Wade. Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Joints - Dragon Door Publications, 2012 – 340 p.

Exercises for hips

Hips training – is one of the most contradictory components of training process. On one hand, everybody understands the need to do exercises for legs, as the strongest and biggest muscles in human body. On the other hand – men avoid it, and women make hip slimming one of the main targets. While not seeing the difference between tight muscle hips and hips, covered with fat (also know as “hip ears”). But by including hip exercises in your training program, you will not only replace the esthetically unattractive and dangerous for health excessive hip fat with a lot less in volume muscle fiber. You will create a base for harmonic development of the whole body.
Take a look into the gym (in fact, masked fitness center): most of its frequenters do chest and arms exercises for 90% of their time. That is why they look, at best, like a lightbulb – blubbery from pumping core on thin legs. Don’t repeat their mistakes – spend enough time on leg training (exactly – hips exercises) which they deserve. I propose to start from the easiest exercise, which you do everyday, without even thinking of it.

Step ups

What muscles work: quadriceps, buttock muscles, rear hip muscles.
Performing the exercise: stand tightly to the pillar. Put one leg on full foot on the pillar, connect your hand behind your back or put on waist (photo 1). Move the bodyweight on base leg and using its muscles step up the pillar. Without stopping and touching the pillar with rear leg, move it forward, with knee bent and risen maximum high (photo 2). Hold the top position for one second and slowly go back to the starting position. Repeat for required times and switch the leg.
Step ups (starting position) Step ups (final position)
Notice: the main job should be on a leg, that is on pillar. Do not push with rear leg, and do not lean forward too much (forehead line shouldn’t come out your base leg’s toes level). Put your leg on a pillar on full foot, main load should be on heel. Rear leg shouldn’t touch the pillar when moving forward or backward. Don’t swing, keep your back straight. Perform the exercise in 2-1-2-1 rhythm (two seconds to go up, one second pause in top position, two seconds to go back to the starting position, one second at the bottom). Synchronize your breath with movement: go up – exhale, go down – inhale. Always start the exercise series from the weaker leg, especially if you don’t alternate them in one set, doing several reps with one leg.
When you can do at least 20 reps on each leg, you should complicate the exercise by increasing the pillar height. But don’t try too hard, maximum height is when base leg’s knee in starting position is bent at right angle (photo 3). First you can help yourself in starting position, leaning at base leg’s hip with your hands. But as your training level rises, try to perform raise only with your base leg’s power (photo 4). Other rules are the same: keep your back straight, do not let yourself tilt front too much, do it slowly and under full control from the start to the finish, breathe rhythmic and synchronous with movement.
High pillar step ups (starting position) High pillar step ups (final position)
If those exercises come easy to you – try to differ your training by including other leg exercises: lunges and different kinds of squats.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.

Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Other articles about hips exercises:

Squats: high effective basic exercise, which if performed right, will help you to get slim, as well as build mass in shortest terms.
Lunges: famous exercise, which has a couple of performing variations for complete leg training and tendons flexibility increase.

Pillar Bridge

This exercise is considered to be quite difficult (most effective to buttock muscles though), so don’t rush to move up to it until you fully master all the previous buttock training variations (kickback and shoulder bridge). If those are quite easy for you (certainly with correct technique) – try to increase the training load by performing the bridge using additional pillars under your legs and shoulders.
To perform this exercise you will need a stable pillar about 50 cm of height (but not higher than your knees level). The best thing to use is a bed, because it has a soft surface. If you use a chair or a bench – put a towel or other soft object on it, to avoid discomfort during the exercise.
What muscles work: buttock muscles, rear hip muscles, spine muscles.
Performing technique: bend your legs, sit at the pillar, so that your shoulders were at its edge level. You can connect your hands behind your back or put them on hips. Put your legs a little more narrow that your shoulder-width (photo 1). Tilt your head back, using buttock muscles rise your pelvis, so that in top position your body was horizontal (photo 2). Hold the required pause, than go back to the starting position.
Pillar bridge (starting position)Pillar bridge (final position)
Notice: use a stable pillar or put it buy the wall to avoid slipper. Do not stick your pelvis up too much, and do not led it hang down – your body should be straight from shoulders to knees. Since shoulder rise increases the load on knee joint, you should choose the leg position correctly – at the top position they should be at right angle. Perform the exercise in 3-1-3-1 rhythm (three seconds to go up and down, one second pauses at the top and bottom). If you would like to give your buttock muscles some additional static load by keeping the top position for longer time – don’t hold breath, breathe deep and rhythmic. Increase your training level until you can rise the rep amount to 20. On final reps ask someone to control you, or exercise in front of mirror (you may also record the exercise on video), because as you get tired, you decrease the amplitude unconsciously (especially in top position).
As in case of shoulder bridge, this kind of exercise has two complicated variations: top position leg raise (photo 3) and leaning on one leg at the starting position (photo 4) (always start from the weaker leg). The rules of performing remain the same, but the requirements to correct technique become even stricter. To keep balance you can hold your hands behind your head and spread your elbows, getting additional standing points in that way. Remember, that this exercises require more muscle strength and joints hardness, so don’t rush, first, master all the previous kinds of pelvis raises.
Pillar bridge (complicated variation, with leg raised) Pillar bridge (complicated variation, on one leg)
If you can perform at least 20 reps of each exercise, proposed here, with proper technique – you can move on to the higher league. Try to master the two pillars bridge: on shoulders and legs. Since in this exercise you can’t place your pelvis lower than your feet level (photo), the rear hip muscles get an additional load. At the top position your pelvis will be higher than shoulders, but your body from shoulders to knees should remain straight (photo). To safely perform this exercise use only stable pillars. Watch your breath, synchronize it with movement rhythm: 4 seconds to inhale and pelvis rise, one second pause at the top position, 4 seconds to exhale and go down, one second to prepare to the next rep. Though for most, even well-trained athletes this variation of bridge is quite difficult, if you want to test your powers – try to perform it in two variations, descripted above: rising one bent leg at the top position and using only one leg at the bottom. But remember, that you should not include those to your training program until you can perform at least 20 reps of classic two-pillar bridge. Good luck!

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Shoulder bridge

I’m sure, that the previous exercise for buttocks (kickbacks) was not a problem for you. If you can do 20 reps on each leg in different variations – it is about time to increase the load on buttock muscles, doing shoulder bridge.
What muscles work: buttock muscles, rear hip muscles, spine muscles.
Performing technique: lay on the floor, with your legs bent (calves are almost perpendicular to the floor) and put on shoulder-width. You can cross your hands on chest or put by your body with palms down (photo 1). Pushing legs towards the floor, using your buttock muscles, raise the pelvis, so that your body was straight from knees to shoulders (photo 2). Fix this position for a few seconds and go back to the starting position.
Shoulder bridge (starting position)Shoulder bridge (final position)
Notice: don’t try to tighten your calves to buttocks at the starting position, just put them as comfortable. Keep the whole body straight, do not let your pelvis hang or stick up too much. Perform the exercise slowly, trying to feel the main working muscles. Breathe in movement rhythm: as pelvis goes up (3 seconds) – inhale, at top position make one second pause, as you go down (3 seconds) exhale. Watch your knees position, they shouldn’t spread or get together during the whole exercise.
If it is difficult for you to perform the exercise with full amplitude (especially if you are recovering from back injuries), decrease the depth by putting bent towel or other soft object under your buttocks.
If it comes easy to you (you can do at least 20 reps with proper technique), you can move on to more complicated variations:

  • At the top position, keeping your body straight, get one leg off the floor and raise to the right angle between core and hip top (photo 3). After a pause switch the leg, without coming to starting position. Better place your hand along your body to keep balance.Shoulder bridge (complicated variation, with leg raised)

  • Try to perform this exercise, when standing on one leg at start. To do this, bend one leg in knee and hip, so that your calf was parallel to the floor. Put the base leg’s foot on your body axis. Using muscles straighten the core, without changing the inactive leg angle. Repeat for required times, then go back to the starting position and switch leg. Since the inactive leg’s muscles also get some load, always start from the weaker one. If you feel cramps in hip muscles – go back to classic technique, until your buttock muscles are string enough, and take the main part of the work.

Having mastered all the proposed variations, you can increase the training load by performing the bridge using shoulder and leg pillars.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Exercises for buttocks


Buttock exercise are traditionally considered to be “women’s” – and they totally shouldn’t. Of course, women (especially girls) watch the body part, where buttocks located, with special attention. But men shouldn’t also ignore buttock trainings. At least because well-trained buttock muscles do not only make woman’s shape graceful, but man’s shape – athletic. Besides, buttock muscle is one of the biggest ones in body, so you should pay special attention to its training, either you want to get slim, or build mass.
Yes, this muscle group is trained in most of leg exercises, but targeted work on buttocks will give you an ability to much increase their efficiency Let’s look at squats, for example. One of the main requirements to correct squats – knees shouldn’t get out of toes level, the back should be bent naturally. Exactly the strong buttocks grant all of those requirements, lowering the risk of injury and increasing the squats efficiency. Strong body is impossible without strong legs. And exactly the buttock muscles are the link between upper and lower body.
Don’t forget about mostly sitting way of life of most of us. What do we sit on? Correct, on buttock muscles. As the consequence – bad blood supply to this body part in result of constant squeezing leads to untrained buttock muscles. It reflects not only on look of this body part, but makes usual daily exercises dangerous (not even talking about power training).
I hope that I have made you sure in necessary to pay attention to this muscle group. In this section the effective buttock exercises are collected, which can be performed at home. Let’s traditionally start from the easiest.


What muscles work: buttock muscles, rear hip muscles, spine muscles.
Performing technique: stand on all-four (on palms, knees and toes). Put hands on shoulder-width, legs – a little more narrow. Pre-shoulders and hips should be both perpendicular to the floor. Keep your back straight, look down (photo 1). Without core position switch, using buttocks, straighten one leg (photo 2), so that heel was on back’s level (or higher). Hold this position for a second and go back to the stating position. Perform required reps with one leg or switch leg and repeat.
Kickbacks (final position) Kickbacks (starting position)
Notice: when performing the exercise, avoid pelvis moves and spine bends. Watch you active leg to be always straight: imagine, that you must touch some object behind with your heel or toe (another name of this exercise, “The Kicking Donkey”, will help to imagine the required technique). Keep the other limbs still, do not let your core bend or curl. You can do this exercise slow as well as fast (like kicking with your leg), but it is recommended to start from controlled movement (in rhythm: 3 seconds to straighten/bend and one second pauses at beginning and end).
This exercise is considered as one of the easiest, that is why doing 20 reps won’t be a problem for you. If you did it – try to complicate it, by keeping the active leg bent in knee joint (photo 3). This will help you to work more accented on buttock muscles, and also will get some load off your lower back. As in previous exercise, watch the main movement to be performed only with active leg, do not let spine bends and pelvis unnecessary moves. For this variation it will be better to perform all the reps with one leg, and then switch the leg. But don’t forget to make second pauses at top and bottom points to avoid inertia. Increase your performance to the level, when you can easily do 20 reps on each leg.
Kickbacks (complicated variation)
When you have reached the level, mentioned above, move on to the last, hardest variation of kickbacks. To perform it, when you straighten a leg (like in classic kickback) straighten the opposite hand (for left leg – right and all the way round). Since the right performing of this exercise needs core stabilization, from bend, as well as from curl, the additional groups of spine muscles will be involved, which much increases the training effect (photo 4).
Kickbacks with arm raise
Switch hands after each rep to avoid excessive one-sided muscle exhausting. Raise the reps amount to 40 (20 for each leg).
If you have managed to do the task – continue to develop and strengthen buttock muscles with more complicated exercises (for example, pelvis raises in shoulder bridge position).

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Other articles about buttocks exercises:

Shoulder bridge: an effective buttocks exercise, easily done at home
Pillar bridge: increase the load to work better on buttock muscles, hips and back

12 квіт. 2016 р.

Laying leg raises

You should start performing this exercise only when you master previous two kinds of abs workout (sitting leg raises and alternate leg raises) with correct technique. As you can see from the title, all today’s variations of leg raises are performed in laying position. This gives an ability to unload the spine, but with one requirement: your lower back should not tear from the floor on bend too much up. Always control the fold by trying to put a hand under your lower back in top tension phase: if you can do this – the fold is too big. We will regulate the muscle load with leg straightening rate. Let’s start from the easy variation.

Leg raises with knees bent

What muscles work: rectus and oblique abdominals, psoas muscle, hip muscles.
Performing the exercise: lay on the floor, bend your knees at right angle. Put your hands by your body with palms down. Rise your feet above the floor and hold this position for one second (photo 1). On exhale, leaning on floor, slowly rise your bent legs, until they are parallel to the floor (photo 2). After one second pause, on inhale, slowly go back to the starting position (do not put your heel on the floor). Repeat 20 times.
Leg raises with knees bent (starting position)Leg raises with knees bent (final position)
Notice: at the top position your body should make two right angles – in knee and hip joints. During the exercise only the angle between hips and core should change. Keep your abdominals always tensed, like you are pushing your lower back towards the floor – this will help to avoid excessive fold. Do not spread your legs, knees and feet should be together. Completely control the movement, move slowly (minimum 3 seconds to go down and 2 to go up), breathe rhythmically and synchronized to movement. If it is difficult for you to do all 20 reps with required technique – you can periodically touch the floor with your heels (for example every fifth tome you go down), but with time aim on rejecting that support. If the movement is easy for you – move on to the next level.

Half-bent leg raises

Performing the exercise: lay on the floor, straighten your hands by your body, palms down (knee angle should be one third bigger than in previous exercise). Before you start, tear your heels from the floor (photo 3). Keeping legs together and leaning your hands on the floor, slowly rise your legs (do not change knee angle). At the top position heel will be on your wrists level, and the lower back will start to tear from the floor (photo 4). Make one second pause and stabilize the body, then go back to the stating position (but don’t put your heels on the floor, hold your legs always in the air.
Half-bent leg raises (starting position)Half-bent leg raises (final position)
Notice: muscle load depends mainly on leg straightening rate, so at first stages you may bend them more. When doing the exercise (especially when legs go down), tense your arm muscles – this will help to keep your body straight and prevent swinging. Do not forget to tighten your lower back to the floor, using abdominals and lower back muscles. Synchronize breathing with movement: raise legs – exhale, at the top point hold your breath and tense your abdominals, doing down – inhale. Pay the main attention to slowly bring your legs down (you can reach 7 seconds at it) – in this movement phase all the purpose muscles get the required load. Try not to touch the floor with your heels during all the rep series, regulate the load with knee angle.
Having mastered the technique on proper level (at least 20 reps per set), try to complicate the exercise: at the top point straighten your legs (photo 5) and bring them down straight (photo 6). Watch your knees position, they should not bend to the moment when your legs are fully down (better decrease the depth at the beginning, but knees should stay straight).
Straight leg raises (starting position) Straight leg raises (final position)
If you can do 20 reps with good technique (spending at least 5 seconds for each lower and making 2-3 seconds pause at bottom position) – you’ve opened your way to the most effective variation: straight legs. This technique makes higher requirements to all the involved muscles, but also works on them fullest. As it seen from the name, your legs should stay straight during all the exercise. Do not forget to tense all muscles to keep your body from swinging and not let your lower back bend. Perform the exercise slowly (spend at least 5 seconds to go down, to go up – 3 seconds), keep full control on your body. When you reach 20 reps with perfect technique – strong and resilient abdominals as the result won’t make you wait. Have a good training!

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.

Alternate leg raises

If you fully mastered seated leg raises, and can perform the most difficult variation of it at least 20 times – try to increase the load on abdominals, by taking horizontal position. As in plank and push-ups, this will make the exercises more difficult, but more effective. Besides, you won’t even need a stool, but this is one of the advantages of home training – full muscle work without equipment.
What muscles work: rectus and oblique abdominals, psoas muscle, rectus hip muscle.
Performing the exercise: lay on the floor, bend your knees and put straight arms along your body. Take your legs off the floor, bend them in hip joint, so that they were in vertical position (photo 1). Without back bending start to straighten one leg, but don’t put it on the floor at the end (photo 2). After one second pause, get the straight leg to the starting position, straighten the other one at the same time. Repeat for required number of times.
Alternate leg raises (starting position)Alternate leg raises (final position)
Notice: movement should be smooth and slow, spending about 5 seconds on one leg. You can synchronize your breath with movement: straighten one – inhale, straighten the other one – exhale. Heels must move maximum close to the floor, but not touch it during the whole cycle. Watch your lower back, using your muscles keep it tightened to the floor (or keep small initial bend). You must rise the number of reps to 20 for each leg. If it’s difficult for now – try to periodically put inactive (bent) leg on the floor, but as the muscle strength grows, go back to correct technique. If you are exercising on the hard floor, don’t forget to put something soft under lower back or use gymnastic carpet.
If you have mastered this exercise, try to increase the load, adding arms movement: when straighten one led, move the opposite hand (for right leg – left one and all the way round) behind your head (but keep it in the air) (photo 3). When switching active (straight) leg, switch hand at the same time (describing a half-circle in horizontal or vertical plane). In this kind of exercise you must pay even more attention to lower back, because coordinated moves of arms and legs may cause excessive bends up, as well as to the sides (always keep your muscles tensed to avoid excessive lower back moves).
Alternate leg raises (complicated variation)
If you perform all the exercises descripted above, you will prepare your body to the hardest thing (that works on abdominals really intensively) exercise – laying leg raises.

Good books to read:

Bret Contreras. Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy - Human Kinetics, 2013 – 224 p.
Kavadlo Al. Pushing the Limits: Total Body Strenght with No Equipment - Dragon Door Publications, 2013 – 224 p.
BJ Gaddour. Your Body Is Your Barbell: No Gym. Just Gravity. Build a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular You in 28 Days - Rodale, 2014 – 288 p.